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Eagle Blow Bars for the Eagle Crusher
Aug 24th, 2011Cross-Tech has a large range of blow bars for the Eagle crusher including the 500, 1000, 1200 and 1400 machines. These bars will ship direct from our building in Louisville Kentucky.
Eagle 1000 (UM-15) blow bar part number 62C375 are stocked in High Chrome, Medium Chrome and Low Chrome to cover your application needs.
Eagle recommends:
- HIGH CHROME for small feed with minimum steel this bar will offer excellent abrasion resistance using a maximum feed size of 12 inches
- MEDIUM CHROME for maximum feed size of 30 inches, this is a good all around bar.
- LOW CHROME handles impact very well with low abrasion resistance.
The Eagle wedges part number 50B2503 are also a stock item, the Eagle 1000 uses 12 wedges per machine and includes the wedge screws, part number 50A2516. There are 24 screws per machine; the screws can also be bought separately from our stock.
Call us for a quote today, (877) 579-1674.